International Master 1 "Microbial and Plant Systems Biology" (MPSB)


There are several ways in which students can be helped financially when they come to France

Masters Scholarships from the University Paris-Saclay

Bandeau International

Candidates for International tracks (2 years) with outstanding records will be allowed to apply to the International Master's Scholarship program from the Paris-Saclay University.

Please note that if you want to be considered for this Scholarship, your application has to be validated at the latest on April 28, 2025.


SPS Scholarships for Master students

Saclay Plants Sciences (SPS)

The Saclay Plant Sciences network (SPS) offers limited scholarships for the best and most motivated students enrolled in the teaching programs in its perimeter, which includes the International Master 1 “Plant and Microbial molecular Biology” .

Up to 12 scholarships will be allocated each year on the basis of academic excellence, as judged from their past records.

The successful candidates will receive:

  • in M1: 8000 euros
  • in M2: 6000 euros (to which will be added the internship stipends)

The students who are awarded a SPS scholarship in the “Plant and Microbial molecular Biology” M1 program and who are then accepted in the “Plant Sciences” M2 program will automatically be awarded the scholarship in M2.

All informations are available HERE


Other stipends calls

A few other options may be consider depending on the country of origin.
Students may inquire with the French Embassy or any other organism in their country.
Students may visit and the Campus France Grant Search Engine to find other Scholarship programs available.